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Jimbotron comes from the Net.  Through systems, peoples, and cities… to this place: Russell Cup.  His format: Guardian.  To mend and defend.  To defend his newfound SCVs.  Their hopes… and dreams.  To defend them from: their enemies.

Master of custom maps, ravens and dedicated creep spread, this fierce competitor brings a vast and unusual set of skills to the war room.  Will his knowledge of mazing, tower upgrades, and intense mineral banking be up to the challenge?  “Impossible to say for certain”, one expert analist says, “but one thing is for certain: maybe.”

Greatest strength: “I train to be in the bronze league.  So like… shittiness.  It’s an art, right?  Some people try to get to the Grand Master league, I work to stay in the bronze league.” - Jimbotron

Likes: Indian popular music, Tunak Tunak Tun, Chocolate rain

Dislikes: Spoons that are too big